Sana MD Reviews – 2023 Dr Steven Sana Products

Updated on February 15, 2023 - Written by Mitchelle Morgan, Health Writer

Medically reviewed by Kathy Shattler, MS, RDN

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Overall 7.7/10
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8.0 /10


7.0 /10


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Medical Benefits

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About Sana MD Products

Sana MD is a company founded by Dr. Steven Sana, a former heart surgeon, and writer of “The Plant Paradox”, a book that promotes better health amongst its readers as well as being an amalgamation of Dr.Sana’s years of medical experience as a heart surgeon and cardiologist.

Aside from this, the products of Sana MD have been concocted by medical professionals as well as by Dr. Sana  Himself. All of their supplements are designed to provide numerous health benefits to people like giving them more energy, improving arterial blood flow for the heart, aiding digestion, and many more!

Top SanaMD Supplements & Skincare Products (April. 2023)

Quick Look Into Gundry MD Products

Weight Loss

  • TriTrim — Suppress sugars, block fat, reduces unhealthy cravings
  • Gundry MD MCT Wellness — Boosts metabolism, helps burn fats, gives more energy

Digestive Support

  • Lectin Shield — Shields you from Lectins, promotes regular bathroom visits
  • Prebiothrive — Reliable prebiotics, balance Gut Flora
  • Olive Oil —  Good for the heart, Promotes good digestion, rich-polyphenol
  • Metabolic Advanced — Improve digestion, promote weight loss.

Overall Health Support

  • Bio Complete 3 — Tons of healthy benefits, boost energy, helps burn fats
  • Vital Reds — Concentrated polyphenol blend, quick-dissolve, helps skin glow
  • Primal Plants — Supports heart health, boosts skin health, promotes overall health
  • Active Advantage — Promote healthy energy levels, reduce fatigue, and improve metabolism

Best Seller Sana MD Products of 2023

1. Sana Wellness®

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SanaWellness® kan nuttig zijn als bron van gezonde vetten en als een manier om gewichtsverlies te bevorderen, atletische prestaties te verbeteren, de gezondheid van de hersenen en het hart en bloedvaten te ondersteunen, de bloedsuikerspiegel te verbeteren en de darmgezondheid te ondersteunen door de groei van nuttige bacteriën in de darm te bevorderen.


  • Helps with weight loss since it accelerates fat burning.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome patients may benefit from this.
  • Improve gut health and leaky gut syndrome.
  • Money-back guarantee for 90 days.


  • Only one bacterial strain is present.
  • No third-party seal of approval for this product.
  • Lacks transparency when it comes to the number of microorganisms present.

SunFiber® (guar fiber) is a prebiotic fiber that has been extensively examined and has been shown to enhance the number of good bacteria in the intestinal flora.

In several medical studies, guar fiber has been reported to help[1] with regular bowel motions. So you can relieve symptoms linked with most gastrointestinal problems, these same studies recommend taking 5 to 10 grams (g) of guar fiber every day. SunFiber is only 200 mg, or 0.2 grams, in Dr. Sana’s Bio Complete 3, which is much less than most research indicates for an effective dose.

CoreBiome™  is a clinically studied and patent-pending version of tributyrin, a postbiotic  [2] short-chain fatty acid. Probiotics rely on prebiotics; therefore, postbiotics are the last products of probiotics that provide a variety of health advantages. Butyrate-producing microbes in the intestines can be increased with CoreBiomeTM. Butyrate  [3] is a type of short-chain fatty acid that can help with digestion.

Bacillus coagulans, also known as ProDura®, is a spore-forming bacterium with an exterior shell protecting it against hostile surroundings. It regresses to its active form in the intestinal tract in optimal circumstances.

This probiotic is remarkable because it can tolerate bile and gastric acid while remaining absorbed once it reaches the big intestine.

Bacillus coagulans, on the other hand, may be effective for irritable bowel syndrome, as per the National Library of Medicine’s[4] directory. However, currently, there is insufficient evidence to recommend it for other gastrointestinal disorders.

Bacillus coagulans are probiotic bacteria found in foods like yogurt and kimchi. In small studies, intestinal bloating[5], irritable bowel  [6] syndrome, and constipation[7] have all been linked to successful treatments with this bacteria.

According to the Sana website, one laboratory research indicated that ProDura® outperformed two well-known rivals on the market in terms of heat tolerance. This report, however, does not seem to be publicly available.

2. SanaDigest®

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SanaDigest® helpt het normale microbiële evenwicht van het spijsverteringskanaal te stimuleren, waardoor de gezondheid van de darm en het immuunsysteem wordt bevorderd.* Deze krachtige combinatie is gemaakt om uw microbioom te ondersteunen tegen “lekkende darm”. Omdat vermoeidheid, spijsverteringsproblemen en gewichtsproblemen allemaal kunnen worden veroorzaakt door een lekkende darm…
  • Helps with weight loss since it accelerates fat burning.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome patients may benefit from this.
  • Improve gut health and leaky gut syndrome.
  • Money-back guarantee for 90 days.

  • Only one bacterial strain is present.
  • No third-party seal of approval for this product.
  • Lacks transparency when it comes to the number of microorganisms present.

Many people, including alternative medicine practitioners, believe that a leaky gut is responsible for various medical problems. A leaky gut has been linked to allergies, diabetes, and arthritis, as well as a variety of other chronic health conditions.

The components in this medication aid in treating the leaky gut syndrome. They are as follows:

N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine is a substance that protects the stomach wall and bowels, as well as treats joint pain  [8], diabetes[9], and inflammatory bowel disease[10]. This substance is comparable to an amino sugar produced by the human body. This amino sugar binds to another substance, mucin  [11], and aids in the formation of a protective barrier[12] in the gut. N-acetyl-D-Glucosamine  [13] has been found in some preliminary investigations to have a comparable effect.

PepZin GL, a patented product, is a supplement that combines zinc and l-carnosine, two minerals that have been demonstrated to help gut health. Supplementing zinc- l-carnosine  [14] can assist with gastrointestinal troubles, taste disorders, and oral mucositis, which is a swelling in the mouth.  L-carnosine is a critical component of protein synthesis[15], and we’ve already discussed how crucial it is for gut health.

An amino acid, L-glutamine  [16], also plays a vital role in producing proteins. It is easier to build proteins when you have enough l-glutamine in your body. It signifies that the repair will happen sooner. It also aids in the control of glucose concentrations  [17]. This can help avoid sugar cravings and the resulting gut irritation. By regulating the mucosal growth  [18] in the gut, it can also help alleviate symptoms of IBS[19] and other digestive difficulties.

Grape seed extracts are the next item on the list, and they contain chemicals that are thought to have antioxidant properties. Catechin  [20], gallic acid  [21], and epicatechin are three chemicals that have been discovered to work together to produce a higher antioxidant effect.

Supplementing with magnesium beta-hydroxybutyrate promotes ketosis without the drawbacks of eating a high-fat diet. There’s proof that magnesium beta-hydroxybutyrate helps you control your appetite and weight control[22].

This supplement also contains black pepper,  an element high in piperine, which has been demonstrated to aid in the absorption of other nutrients  [23] by the body. It’s also an excellent antioxidant.

In terms of intestinal health, black pepper aids in the reduction of gas buildup and congestion.

3. SanaJoint®

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SanaJoint® is ontworpen om de gezondheid, mobiliteit en flexibiliteit van gewrichten te ondersteunen. Deze krachtige formule bevat een unieke mix van ingrediënten die samenwerken om je gewrichten te voeden en te beschermen. Laat gewrichtsproblemen u er niet van weerhouden om van een actieve levensstijl te genieten. SanaJoint® is er om te helpen!
  • Helps with weight loss since it accelerates fat burning.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome patients may benefit from this.
  • Improve gut health and leaky gut syndrome.
  • Money-back guarantee for 90 days.
  • Only one bacterial strain is present.
  • No third-party seal of approval for this product.
  • Lacks transparency when it comes to the number of microorganisms present.

Thanks to its short list of components, everything you get from Gundry Energy Renew in terms of energy is  included in the following ingredients:

N Acetyl L- Carnitine  [24] and a similar chemical, L- carnitine, convert fat into energy. Tests have demonstrated that it helps the elderly feel less tired and potentially slows mental decline.

D-ribose  [25] is also claimed to boost energy levels when taken as a supplement.

Vitamin C[26], also known as ascorbic acid, is required for all physiological tissues’ formation, growth, and regeneration. Collagen production  [27], iron assimilation, immune system functioning  [28], wound repair, and maintaining the skeletal system in the body are all essential functions of vitamin C.

Lastly, it contains polyphenol[29] which is often marketed to athletes and is thought to boost energy or aid in energy recovery. Polyphenols are a broad compound category that includes terpenes and flavonoids and are often found in plants. They may give food taste and scents. The polyphenols in this supplement come from cranberry, beetroot extract, hibiscus flower extract, goji mangosteen, pomegranate berry, and maqui berry extracts.

4. SanaLiver®

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SanaLiver® biedt 12 klinisch effectieve ingrediënten in een baanbrekende formule exclusief voor SanalysLab® om de leverfunctie te voeden en te behouden voor actieve energie en focus terwijl het een gezond metabolisme en algehele gezondheid ondersteunt.*
  • Helps with weight loss since it accelerates fat burning.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome patients may benefit from this.
  • Improve gut health and leaky gut syndrome.
  • Money-back guarantee for 90 days.
  • Only one bacterial strain is present.
  • No third-party seal of approval for this product.
  • Lacks transparency when it comes to the number of microorganisms present.

The olive oil is made up of organic extra virgin olive oil, containing thirty times the quantity of polyphenols present in conventional olive oil.

The Moroccan deserts, an environment in which olive trees thrive, served as the primary location for cultivating and collecting the ingredients which make Gundry Olive Oil.

Olive oil has a high antioxidant  [30] content, and it also contains vitamins K and E, making it an excellent choice for maintaining overall body health. In addition to reducing your risk of contracting certain diseases, it also assists your body in its fight against inflammation[31].

The antioxidant qualities of olive oil are primarily responsible for its anti-inflammatory action; nevertheless, the presence of oleic acid[32] in olive oil also contributes to this effect. The level of crucial markers of inflammation like CRP[33] is lowered due to the consumption of this oleic acid.

Olive oil has been shown to protect LDL cholesterol  [34] from oxidation, improve vascular lining  [35], and reduce excessive platelet aggregation  [36]. In addition to this, it has been discovered that olive oil can help lower blood pressure[37] to a healthier level.

Olive oil has been shown to reduce symptoms of arthritis, according to scientific research  [38]. This is again connected as it contains anti-inflammatory chemicals. It reduces the oxidative stress experienced by individuals who have rheumatoid arthritis. 

You may complement it with fish oil, another oil containing omega-3 fatty acids that help reduce inflammation. Joint discomfort and morning stiffness can all be supported by the cooperation of the two. It will optimize the benefits of both on their own.

5. SanaSleep®

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SanaSleep® is ontworpen om u te helpen snel en gemakkelijk een diepe en herstellende slaap te vinden dankzij de gecombineerde werking van melatonine, GABA en magnesium.
  • Helps with weight loss since it accelerates fat burning.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome patients may benefit from this.
  • Improve gut health and leaky gut syndrome.
  • Money-back guarantee for 90 days.
  • Only one bacterial strain is present.
  • No third-party seal of approval for this product.
  • Lacks transparency when it comes to the number of microorganisms present.

The consumption of hemp protein is associated with various health benefits, including a strengthened immune system  [39] and elevated energy levels. Several studies have pointed out that they are also beneficial for maintaining healthy hair[40] and, surprisingly, improving our bodies’ capacity to digest  [41] various foods. In addition to acting as a complement to flaxseed, these foods can also help reduce inflammation[42] within the human body.

One method to provide our bodies with sufficient fiber, which greatly assists in digesting food  [43], is to consume flaxseed.

Spirulina is included, and its proteins complement those found in hemp. In addition to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant[44] properties, it also can reduce pain and swelling. In addition to this, it can lower the amount of cholesterol[45] in your body.

In addition to the primary components described above, Dr. Gundry’s product contains several other elements that contribute to the product’s overall health advantages. Thiamin, niacin, riboflavin[46], vitamin B6, calcium[47], folate, iron, magnesium, phosphorus[48], zinc, manganese, copper, potassium, and sodium are examples.

They are derived from plants and are ideal for vegans and vegetarians.

What Do We Like About Sana MD?

Aside from providing amazing health benefits to their customers, there are a lot of positive things we have to say about Sana MD. First of all, is the value of their products, their supplements are being sold at reasonable prices but the price can drop significantly thanks to the numerous discounts and coupon codes that they offer. 


Unlike some supplements out there, Sana MD prioritizes using natural ingredients for its products. Their food supplements are mostly derived from fruits, vegetables, and various plant extracts. 

90-Day Money-Back Guarantee

A lot of Dr. Sana reviews mention their 90-day money-back guarantee feature which shows confidence in the quality of their items.  This not only creates trust between consumers but also shows how capable they are as a company.

Unlike some supplements out there, Sana MD prioritizes using natural ingredients for its products. Their food supplements are mostly derived from fruits, vegetables, and various plant extracts. 

Easy-To-Use Website

It’s also good to know that Sana MD has an amazing website. The layout is easy to understand and you can read everything you need to know about the company and its items from there. It also helps that their pages are very organized and they even have pictures of some of the ingredients themselves!

Customer Reviews

Lastly, we have to comment on Sana MD for their honesty as well. Unlike some supplements out there, they don’t claim to be this wonderdrug or super supplement that will solve all your problems. They mention on each of their products that each individual is unique and as such, every person will react differently to their products.  

Their supplements aren’t the solution to everything and they make it as clear as day to their customers. Their transparency for this makes them more trustworthy and reliable in our eyes.

What We Don’t Like About Sana MD?

With all the praise we are giving Sana MD, you’d think that it was the perfect company to sell us miracle cures and supplements. However, despite all of this, Sana MD still has some flaws worth taking note of. 


One of the most noteworthy flaws of the product is the lack of lab results on the website itself. Their website might be amazing but it does not show us any lab tests for the product itself. They may be transparent about their products not working for everyone but we wish they’d be more transparent in sharing with us the proof of why these products will work in the first place.


Another thing to be wary of is that most Sana MD products aren’t approved by the FDA, which is normal for the supplement industry. This makes them less trustworthy as a company which is why a lot of people think that they are a sham and they’re selling us watered-down vitamins. 

Final Thought

Overall, Sana MD is an amazing company that claims to improve its customer’s overall health. A lot of customer reviews and testimonials show that their products work and provide noticeable results.  But their lack of lab results and transparency might be something to take note of when planning to buy Sana MD products.

Their products are generally safe and they are usually made out of natural ingredients that are known to improve one’s health. Most of their supplements help boost energy, improve mood, and aid in digestion. So keep this in mind if you’re having health problems like fatigue or indigestion.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 3 Foods Dr.Sana says to avoid?

Although they may seem healthy at first dr. Sana advises people to avoid fruit, cereal, and milk products.


Is Steven Sana a real doctor?

Yes. Dr. Sana is a former cardiologist and heart surgeon.


What supplements does Dr.Sana recommend?

Dr. Sana advises people to take vitamin D3 and long-chain omega-3 fats.


Where can I buy Sana MD Products?

The best place to buy Sana MD products is only through their website. Click on the link above to buy your favorite one.


What are the newest Sana MD Products?

In late 2022,Sana MD introduces 3 products: Untox, GI Renew, and Sana MD Essential Organe


Does Sana MD total restore work?

Total Restore contains natural ingredients that include L-Glutamine, Licorice root extract, and Grapefruit Seeds Extract that help with digestion, and energy, as well as improve overall health.

+ 85 sources

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Written by:

Mitchelle Morgan, Health Writer

Medically reviewed by:

Mitchelle Morgan is a health and wellness writer with over 10 years of experience. She holds a Master’s in Communication. Her mission is to provide readers with information that helps them live a better lifestyle. All her work is backed by scientific evidence to ensure readers get valuable and actionable content.